4 Tips for Planning your success in stock trading | Indian Stocks to Make You a Millionaire
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4 Tips for Planning your success in stock trading

Posted By On 10:36 PM Under
1. Establish a plan and define specific risk and profit objectives before trading. Maintain the necessary discipline to follow that plan through both good and bad times. Successful traders will agree that discipline contributed more to their success than their trading philosophy itself. Remember that the key to any plan is how well it holds over time.

2. There is no "sure thing", and there is no trading system that is 100% accurate. Your goal, as a trader, is to use the tools available and try to develop an edge. Base your trades on sound fundamental and technical reasoning, rather than on hunches and long shots. If you can develop an edge, however small, over time you will be successful.

3. A trader must be able to admit they have made a mistake.Do not become emotionally or financially committed to a losing trade. Avoid the pitfall of becoming emotionally involved with any trade.

4. An investing edge is only part of the equation. A trader should diversify sufficiently so that the growth in equity can be consistent and the likelihood of a catastrophic loss can be diminished. The lower the percentage of a trader's account dedicated to any one trade the greater the chance of the trader being successful. Even if the trader has a perceived investing edge, it is unwise to run the risk of ruin, and bet it all on one trade. The goal is not only to make money, but also to be able to continue to make money consistently for an extended period of time. A trader must learn the basic concepts and the importance of money management.
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