Can Insurance Change Life? | Indian Stocks to Make You a Millionaire
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Can Insurance Change Life?

Posted By On 2:39 PM
1. Undertaking a full comprehensive Car insurance is a personal decision but it comes handy whenever any eventuality strikes an individual.

2. As a thumb rule I undertake full comprehensive insurance for a car as it frees one of the tension during road journey as well as during the static parking from any eventuality.However, one must compare car insurance available from a number of service providers to get the best deal.

3. Lightening struck me from blue when I heard a large thud noise and went out to find the reason and to my horror found that the roof of my garage had collapsed on my car damaging its bonnet, windscreen and causing dents all around the body of the car. The roof of the garage collapsed due to accumulation of water on top of the roof which led to seepage and damage was done.

4. However, I was not worried as my car was insured and I had to just make a phone call to the insurance company and all my damages were paid including the towing charges.

5. I heaved a sigh of relief that a small sum of money utilized for car insurance helped me to come out of an incident which could have had caused a heavy dent on my pocket.

6. One can easily compare quotes online to get the best deal in car insurance, home insurance and travel Insurance and make a killing. Do not be Penny Wise and Pound foolish and one must undertake home insurance either in form of building cover or contents cover or a combination of both which enables one to get a far better deal.

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