1. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala; the indian poster boy who is also considered as Warren Buffet of India has jovial side to his life also and is often seen making following quotes in the corridors of the dallal street and same are listed for the benefit of all stock traders:
(a) He feels that Stock market is like a women which is always commanding and is mysterious coupled with being unpredictable and volatile.
(b) Rakesh Jhunjhunwala says that one should anticipate the trend and benefit from it.
(c) Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is humble also as he states that Warren Buffett be not insulted by comparing him with this giant.
(d) He gives the sucess mantra and states that successful investors are opportunistic and optimistic ones.
2. Last but not least is his statement that market is always right and one must learn from it and avoid performing the mistake of trying to teach the market.