True to the healthy spirit I decided to check out the so called programmes being aired around midnight where one has to identify the celebrity whose face is covered partially from eyes.
The prize money keeps increasing as time passes and one has to just call on the listed number and catch is that it is a number for which the call is charged at the rate of Rs 12 per minute and they will keep you engaged on the phone by asking you some idiotic question which if given correctly means that one will be sent to their waiting lounge where one may have to wait for the time ranging from 10 minutes to infinity and your talk time is reducing at a phenomenal rate.
Their aim is to collect maximum revenue by keeping the callers engaged and not to allow them to get connected to their studio and in turn they are raking money as number of callers is more as compared to the individual who gts access to their studio for answering.
Now a stage comes where one becomes sure that is X or Y celebrity and now comes the ace where the phone will start saying that this phone number does not exist. Thus do not fall prey to such games as chances of winning are remote as odds are stacked against you.
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